The Hermiller Lab considers applications for post-docs, post-bacc team members, and undergraduate research assistants on a rolling basis.

We are recruiting PhD students (to start Fall 2025).

Undergraduate students

Students may join our lab through the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP), via directed individual study (DIS), or as a volunteer. Students can expect to assist with experimental design, task development and piloting, participant recruitment and scheduling, data collection (fMRI, delivering TMS, eye tracking, behavioral paradigms), and data management and quality assurance. All students are expected to attend and participate in weekly lab meetings. Preference will be given to applicants who can commit to our research for more than two semesters and for a minimum of 9 hours each week (3 credit hours). If interested, please fill out this interest form and someone will contact you with more details.

Post-bacc positions

Our lab manager and study coordinator(s) assist with task design, participant recruitment and scheduling, maintaining and updating IRB protocols, data collection (including MRI scanning and delivering TMS), data management, and data analyses. Required qualifications include a BA/BS. Desired qualifications include a degree in neuroscience or psychology (or a related field), experience collecting neuroimaging data (e.g., fMRI, EEG), preparing IRB-related documents, managing large databases, and coding experience. These are full-time (40 hour/week) positions, but very suitable candidates wishing to work part-time will be considered. Please email Dr. Hermiller a cover letter, CV/resume, and unofficial undergraduate transcript. We are currently not actively hiring for these positions, but exceptions may be made for well-qualified candidates.

PhD Students

** RECRUITING STUDENTS to begin FALL 2025 **

Please e-mail Dr. Hermiller with information about your research interests and relevant background. We accept students from the interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience as well as the Cognitive area of the Psychology Department.

Postdoc Positions

Please e-mail Dr. Hermiller with information about your research interests, representative publications, and relevant background.

We are committed to diversity and inclusion in our hiring and research practices. Our lab welcomes applications from people of all identities and backgrounds, and strive to foster a lab culture which embraces multiple perspectives. We aim to minimize barriers to entry for students who are interested in and excited about research.